One page abstracts not exceeding 300 words (without any reference) are invited for inclusion as podium (oral) or poster presentations in vast interdisciplinary field of any of the sub areas/main topics of the conference. It is reccommended that the first author should be the presenting author (underlined). If the presenting author is other than first author please under line below the presenting author only. Confidential peer-review shall determine acceptance or rejection and it will notified through the email id of the corresponding author/communicating author. Prepare the abstract using the format provided below and upload the .doc or .docx file of your abstract using the the link provided below.
We will communicate separately through email if your paper has been selected for the journal publication.
Abstract templet
ORAL/POSTER (underline your preference)
Presenting Author, Other Authors, Corresponding Author* (12 Point, Normal)
Department Name, Institute name, Institute address (10 point, Normal)
* Corresponding author (10 point, Normal)
Abstract (12 Point, Bold, normal)
The one-page abstract should be typed in 10 point, Times New Roman, normal font, single space. Use A4 size paper with margins-top: 1 inch; bottom: 1 inch; left; 1.25 inches; and right; 1.25 inches.
Keywords (12 Point, Bold, normal)
3-5 keywords should be typed in 10 point, Times New Roman, normal font, single space, separated by semicolon.