Call for PhD Forum

Aims and Scope of the Forum

The ASCAT 2025 PhD Forum aims to exchange ideas and expertise of the young PhD students in the field of cellular automata. All the theoretical aspects of cellular automata and their applications in any domain are within the scope. In the PhD Forum presentation session, the PhD students will get the opportunity to discuss their ongoing research work with eminent domain experts from both academia and industry and get valuable feedback. This PhD forum would enrich and attract younger students to explore possible avenues for their future research plans.

Call for PhD Forum Submission

Eligibility for PhD Forum: The author must have completed at least two years of Ph.D. program (from the date of PhD registration). PhD scholars who have defended their thesis within two years (as on March 6, 2025) are also encouraged to submit.

Presentation: Presentation / Posters will be presented in the Ph.D. Forum in a dedicated Session.

Award/Recognition: All the participants will receive a participation certificate. One Best Thesis Award will be given. The award will be selected by a dedicated committee of ASCAT 2025 for the PhD Forum considering the submission as well as the presentation.


The participants should submit an extended abstract of their research work in PDF format (at most four pages). Each submission title should follow the following format: "PhD Forum 2025:<thesis title>".

The four-page abstract (in one-column Springer format, using 10-11 pt. fonts and single-spaced lines), should include name and affiliation of the PhD student, name and affiliation of the supervisor(s), contact information, date of PhD registration/date of defense (whichever is applicable), and any figure, table, graph and bibliography (as per requirement). Inclusion of a list of most relevant paper(s) (published/accepted for publication in Journals/Conferences) authored or co-authored by the student, related to the dissertation topic, would strengthen the submission. The publication list must include complete list of authors, title of the paper, publication forum, date/year of publication, volume, number etc. (as per Springer format) and can be submitted as a supporting document. The formatting guidelines with four-page limit should strictly be adhered.

Please include the list of publication as a supporting document as well as PhD registration certificate or PhD degree certificate (whichever is applicable) along with the extended abstract in a single PDF file only and submit the single file. All submissions must be made electronically. For each accepted contribution for the PhD Forum, the author has to complete full registration and present the work in the designated slot.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: December 11, 2024   December 18, 2024 Submission Closed

Notification of Acceptance: January 18, 2025

Camera Ready Submission Deadline: January 25, 2025


Accepted contributions of the PhD Forum will be included in the Book of Abstract of ASCAT 2025. The Book of Abstract will not be sent for indexing by Springer. Instead, it will be made available to all ASCAT 2025 attendees in electronic/hard copy format. Moreover, there will be a scope of inviting a full paper describing an original unpublished work related to the PhD thesis work from the selected authors for a special issue of the renowned Journal Complex Systems


Dr. Mamata Dalui

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
